The Executive Committee and the Board of Directors of the Carbondale Chamber of Commerce have voted to accept the recommendation of the Search Committee to hire Jennifer Olson as the President and CEO of the Carbondale Chamber of Commerce.

Olson has been serving as the Interim Director since March 19. Prior to joining the Chamber, Olson had a 15-year career in Commercial Banking, primarily based out of Carbondale. Before banking, she spent five years as Marketing Director for University Mall.

Shane Carsrud, Chairman of the Board of Directors, says they are pleased to have Olson lead the Chamber. He added that her business background combined with her extensive knowledge of public relations, marketing, and special events is sure to be an asset.

In addition to the position as President and CEO, Olson serves on several committees and boards for various organization. Most notable, Delta Regional Authority (DRA) Federal Co-Chairman Chris Caldwell recently asked Olson to Chair the Regional Advisory Council to the Delta Leadership Network of the DRA.