The Benton City Council will meet tonight at 6 at City Hall on South Main.

Some of the items on tonight’s agenda include discussing and/or approving the ordinance allowing the Benton Civic Center to have Sunday permits, unrestricting wastewater treatment plant special fund monies to use for debt retirement and a new water metering system, and restricting the out of town surcharge on water bills to pay for infrastructure out of the city limits.

The council will also look at and possibly approve a new meter bid proposal and new billing software for the city, amending a couple of ordinances to add no parking on the east side of South Ward from East Webster to East Main and making the intersection at Gardner Street and North Eighth Street a four-way stop, allowing no one to park on the north side of McKenzie from Kenneth to South McLeansboro Street during school hours and making the speed limit 20 mph on Sheridan from Carlton north to the dead end on Sheridan.

You can see the complete agenda on the city’s website at You’re invited to attend tonight’s meeting.