CENTRALIA — Autopsy results on a 32-year-old construction worker found dead Thursday at Centralia Junior High confirms electrocution as the cause of his death.
Marion County Coroner Troy Cannon says preliminary autopsy results show Matt Smith, of Tilden, are consistent with high amperage electrocution.
The autopsy was completed Friday in Champaign and according to Cannon ruled out any other cause for Smith’s death, including an undiagnosed medical condition. Once the final Pathologist’s Report and toxicology testing is completed, the case will likely be closed as an accidental electrocution.
An ironworker, Smith was using a welder before his supervisor found him passed out and unresponsive Thursday afternoon on a scissor lift. The supervisor had left briefly to get a drink of water and no one else was in the area.
He was later pronounced dead in the emergency room of St. Mary’s Hospital.
Smith was working to put up the skeleton for an addition to the junior high along the Pine Street side of the school. He worked for a subcontractor on the project, Rockbranch Iron Works in Coulterville. Smith reportedly had seven years of experience as a welder.