BENTON — The city of Benton recently shared on its website with Benton Water customers who live outside the city limits that they may have noticed an additional charge on their bill this month.
According to the press release, it said the $3 surcharge was recently implemented by the City Council to pay for future water line maintenance and replacement on out of town waterlines. The funds are deposited into a separate account which have been allocated for use in the afore mentioned manner only.
There is no deadline for the surcharge. City leaders understand that many of their customers are on a fixed income and tried to take it into consideration when establishing the increase. The surcharge was specifically created with the intent of preventing major water loss or customer inconvenience in the event of maintenance or replacement of out of town waterlines. The city appreciates your cooperation and understanding. If you have any further questions or concerns, please contact Water & Sewer Superintendent Craig Miles at City Hall at 439-6131.