CLAY COUNTY — A nearly 15-year veteran of the Fourth Judicial Circuit Court bench has announced his retirement effective later this month.
Clay County Resident Circuit Court Judge Robin Todd has announced his resignation and retirement effectively January 18th.
The 4th District Circuit Court is now seeking applications from Clay County Attorneys who would like to replace Todd.
Application information is being taken by the 4th District Chief Judges office in Vandalia as well as by Todd and Clay County Circuit Clerk Crystal Ballard. The deadline to apply is January 17th.
Todd’s retirement creates the second judicial vacancy in the 4th Judicial District.
Applications are being accepted through January 3rd from attorneys throughout the nine-county circuit that includes Marion, Clay, Clinton, Fayette and Effingham Counties who wish to fill an open association judge position.
That position was created when Associate Judge Amanda Ade-Harlow was elected the new Shelby County Resident Circuit Court Judge in the November general election.
The circuit judges throughout the district will vote to decide on the new Associate Judge.