SALEM — Salem Police Chief Sean Reynolds has announced the approval of two patrolmen being named as school resource officers for both Salem Elementary School and Salem Community High School for the remainder of the school year.
Patrolmen Ryan Meador and Craig Vieira had previously volunteered for the SRO positions and have now been appointed following interviews Wednesday with Salem High School Superintendent Dr. Brad Detering and Salem Grade School Superintendent Dr. Leslie Foppe.
Meador will begin his duties as school resource officer later this month and will split his time between Hawthorne School, Franklin Park, and Salem Community High School for the remainder of this school year.
Vieira, who was recently hired, will become a school resource officer in the fall.
Reynolds says the Salem Police Department and Salem Board of Police Commissioners are currently in the process of selecting two candidates from the patrolman eligibility roster to fill the two patrol slots left open by the start of the school resource program.
Reynolds still hopes the two new officers can attend the police academy in May, which would allow them to complete the field training program in late summer.
Reynolds says the Salem Police Department will continue to do daily walk-throughs at all schools within the City of Salem even after the addition of the SRO’s.