MT. VERNON — The Mt. Vernon City Council passed the 2019-2020 fiscal budget Monday night at their regular city council meeting.

The budget calls for just over $14.1 million in spending in 2019-20, and would add about $60,000 to the city’s working fund balance if the budget holds. Just under $8.6 million of the city’s total expenses would go towards the police and fire departments.

The city council approved the budget unanimously, 4-0. Councilman Jeff May was absent.

The council also approved the lowest bid for the Opdyke Water Tower project. Trikote LLC out of Pacific, Missouri was the lowest bidder at just under $770,000. The city anticipated the project costing over $800,000.

Councilman-elect Ray Botch will be sworn in at the next Mt. Vernon City Council meeting set for May 6th at 7 p.m. at the Rolland Lewis Building at Veteran’s Park.