MCLEANSBORO — More discussion concerning the central dispatch agreement between McLeansboro and Hamilton County and reimbursement with the county was discussed at Tuesday night’s Hamilton County Board meeting.

Another media source is reporting that McLeansboro Mayor Dick Deitz and Alderman Tom Maulding attended the meeting and offered the county a three-year deal for $36,000 per year. That’s up from the $25,000 the city has been paying the last few years to cover central dispatch and first responders. According to the report, the county says it’s not able to replicate the services required for no less than $100,000.

Deitz told the County Board the city wants to work with the county to come to an agreement. County Board members agreed. The report went on to say there was talk of a proposal to enter into a yearly contract with increases for each year of renewal. Deitz added that he would get with the McLeansboro City Council and call a special meeting, then get back with the County Board as soon as possible.

WQRL News contacted Hamilton County Board Chairman Brad Miller about this story and for reaction. He declined comment.