MT. VERNON — The Mt. Vernon City Council voted to not hike property taxes in the city at Monday night’s meeting. The council voted to levy the same amount of property tax money as last year, and they will take up a proposal on a quarter percent sales tax hike at the next city council meeting.
Mt. Vernon City Manager Mary Ellen Bechtel says at current levels, the .25% sales tax increase will raise about $900,000 annually. The city’s mayor John Lewis says cuts were not an option without risking the health and safety of city residents.
He says between a property tax hike and a sales tax hike, constituents wanted a sales tax increase if forced to choose.
Also at Monday’s meeting, the city approved a bid from Kenneth A. Hails Excavating to raze 14 properties at a cost of $124,500.
The next city council meeting is scheduled for December 16th at 7 p.m. at the Rolland Lewis Building at Veteran’s Park.