MT. VERNON, IL — With Thanksgiving in the rearview mirror, those that haven’t already will begin pulling out the totes and bags filled with Christmas decorations for their home. A local Emergency Management Agency Coordinator has some tips to keep you, your home, and your loved ones safe.
Mt. Vernon Fire Chief Kevin Sargent says do not overload an outlet with too many plug-ins.
Sargent says any space heater or decorative fireplace should be plugged directly into the wall outlet and never into a power strip.
Another area of concern is whether you use a real tree or an artificial one. Sargent says there is a different set of standards when it comes to the main focal point of your holiday décor.
Sargent also says when it comes to outside decorations, a lot of the safety tips are the same, the main concern is that you’re using lights that are designed for outdoor use.