CENTRALIA, IL — Two separate Thursday night fires damaged a local Centralia business and a Sandoval home.
Fire heavily damaged a Centralia business overnight at 1829 South Pine. A passerby reportedly noticed the fire at Orphan Smokehouse just before midnight and called 9-1-1. Firefighters from six different departments responded to fight the blaze. The fire reportedly spread quickly through the building, with part of the roof collapsing. The Centralia Fire Protection District, Sandoval, Odin, and Salem provided City of Centralia firefighters mutual aid at the scene, while Kell firefighters manned the Centralia station in the event of another city call.
While fighting the fire in Centralia, some firefighters had to leave that scene to respond to a residential fire on Main Street in Sandoval. It currently appears the fire started in the attic of the home. Firefighters were able to contain the fire to a small area of the home.