ZEIGLER, Ill. — Zeigler Police responded to a home in the 200 block of North Pine around 11 Tuesday night after receiving a call about a man threatening people with a running chainsaw.
According to a post on the Zeigler Police Department’s Facebook page, a unit from Christopher Police along with an Illinois State Police trooper responded with Zeigler Police.
While police were investigating, it was determined that the man was barricaded in the home and police saw a running chainsaw inside.
Police made their way inside the home and were attacked. The man was taken into custody and transported to a local hospital to receive treatment.
While the man was being transported. he said there was an incendiary device set in the home. The Zeigler and Royalton fire departments and the Illinois Secretary of State Police Bomb Squad were contacted. After a search of the home was conducted by the bomb squad, it was determined that no device was in the home.
Zeigler Police thank the neighbors to this home that were displaced for a period of time, along with Illinois State Police Troop 10 , Christopher Police, the Franklin County Sheriff’s Department, Illinois Secretary of State Police, the Zeigler and Royalton fire departments and Central Dispatch for their assistance.
One Zeigler firefighter sustained minor injuries during the initial law enforcement incident. The firefighter was taken by the fire department to a local ER for treatment and was released.