HOYLETON, Ill. — A Washington County village is regrouping after a handful of people recently resigned from their elected and appointed positions.
According to Hoyleton Village Treasurer Jan Bourgeois, the remaining officeholders are pulling together to continue providing services to the community.
Bourgeois says Village President Tim Renth resigned from his position at the last meeting due to family obligations on his time. Trustee Kris Schnitker will reportedly fill the vacated seat on an interim status. Renth was elected to office in April of 2021.
It was after Renth’s resignation that Village employee Waylon Livesay reportedly resigned effective immediately following his request for medical insurance and retirement was again denied. As the Public Works Supervisor, Livesay read and reported water meter readings for water billing. His wife Cathy Michelle Livesay also resigned from her position as Village Clerk.
Bourgeois says the October bills went out as scheduled and a trustee has downloaded the water billing software to the phone and they expect the November bills will go out as close to their regular time as possible.
Finally, following the Livesay resignations, James Leonard submitted his resignation from the Hoyleton Water System. As the ROINC or responsible operational personnel, Leonard is responsible for filing water treatment paperwork with the EPA. His resignation takes effect at the end of the month.