SANDOVAL — Sandoval High School will hold its Annual Mock Prom Crash event at 1 p.m. tomorrow behind the high school.
According to Brenda Kunick, a registered nurse who has worked for years on the Mock Prom Crash event, Sandoval PTO, Sandoval CNA class in conjunction with Sandoval Fire and Ambulance and all other emergency service departments in the area will be hosting and displaying the Mock prom crash for Sandoval, Odin, and Patoka high schools.
The event simulated a fatal two-car wreck involving local students on prom night. Local students portray accident victims and a drunk driver who caused the wreck.
Organizers said they hope the intense drama will discourage students from driving impaired on prom night
The mock crash scene will take place behind the high school and will be followed by a mock funeral in the gym.