BENTON – State Representative Dave Severin (R-Benton) has served as the Illinois House Republican leader of the Literacy Improves Future Endeavors (LIFE) working group during the 103rd General Assembly. On Wednesday, Rep. Severin met with local school students and literacy leaders to celebrate a legislative victory that welcomes the Dolly Party Imagination Library to Southern Illinois.
Severin joined education leaders and students for a literacy focused event celebrating the Dolly Parton Imagination Library that now serves students in Southern Illinois.
“As a proud advocate for literacy, a husband of a retired teacher, a former school board member, and as someone that believes readers are leaders, I am so proud to join with Dolly Parton and the Dolly Parton Imagination Library to bring literacy services to students in Southern Illinois,” Severin said. “Every year, I sponsor a summer reading program that invites students to keep reading during the summer. Joining with the Dolly Parton Imagination Library is one more step we can take to keep kids engaged in reading and learning during their summer break.”
Rep. Severin and his House GOP colleagues serving on the LIFE working group have met several times hearing from educational advocates and interested stakeholders, taking testimony and building a comprehensive legislative package aimed at improving educational outcomes, advancing literacy, and addressing current teacher shortages that are harming students in Illinois public schools.
Severin’s LIFE working group introduced a robust legislative package that includes the following bills aimed at improving literacy.
HR 256 – Establishes May 7 through May 13 as “Read with Your Kids” Week referencing the Dolly Parton “Imagination Library”.
HB 1213 – Creates scholarship program for teachers to get master’s degree in order to increase dual credit courses.
HB 4066 – Creates the Parent Advisory Committee within ISBE to study and make recommendations on proposed teaching and learning standards.
HB 4067- Provides that professional development providers may offer opportunities on reading/literacy instruction.
HB 4069 – Creates a Temporary Teacher Apprenticeship Program as an alternative pathway to licensure and establishes foreign language endorsements for those fluent in the foreign language to teach foreign language courses.
HB 4070 – Requires the Illinois State Board of Education to develop a comprehensive State literacy plan that includes, at a minimum, the following: Developing class size goals for grade K-6 classrooms, developing a comprehensive reading teacher content area test, establishing a grant program for districts to hire reading and literacy specialists and coaches, establishing a grant program for districts to provide bonuses to teachers that receive the reading teacher endorsement on their current license.
Severin says the counties served by the Dolly Parton Imagination Library include Alexander, Edwards, Franklin, Gallatin, Hamilton, Hardin, Jackson, Johnson, Massac, Perry, Pope, Pulaski, Randolph, Saline, Union, Wayne, White, and Williamson.
“I’m working hard to improve literacy achievement among our young students,” Severin said. “Reading is a lifelong skill that I will continue to promote!”