(CENTRALIA, IL) — The Kaskaskia College Board of Trustees met Monday night for the regular monthly meeting. The board of trustees approved a resolution to renew a line of credit for the college with Midland States Bank in Centralia. The line of credit was approved by the board last January due to state funding issues. In other action, trustees approved a resolution allowing the Jim Beasley Veterans Tribute Committee to move forward with the construction of concrete aprons on each side of the three recently constructed walls at the Tribute. The board also accepted the resignation of Vice President of Administrative Services Nancy Kinsey effective February 15, and appointed college Comptroller Judy Hemker to serve as Interim College Treasurer until a permanent Treasurer is appointed. In other personnel action the board hired Kristina Holland-Deadmond as Reading Link Coordinator, a grant funded position, and reclassified Donna Matanane from Project Support Specialist to Accountant at the same salary. First year faculty member Robert Jervis was approved to continue employment as second-year probationary faculty for the 2016-17 academic year.