ST. LOUIS COUNTY, Mo. — The State of Missouri will be seeking a Governor’s warrant for the extradition of a 32-year-old Centralia man being held in the Marion County Jail on contempt of court and for failure to appear on a 2014 case accusing him of squatting in a vacant home on Tonti Road.
Larry T. Evans, also known as Mfalme el Bey, was arrested Thursday by Centralia police on the outstanding Marion County warrant, as well as on an outstanding St. Louis, Missouri warrant for alleged forgery. Missouri was seeking extradition on Evans, but on Monday he refused extradition in Marion County court.
Evans reportedly became disruptive in court Monday, which resulted in a 170 day sentence for contempt of court. That sentence will have to be served to a 90 sentence he was given when he was disruptive in court Friday. Court records show Evans entered the courtroom Friday cursing and at one point admonished Judge Mark Stedelin to not speak while he was speaking.
The 170 day sentence will have to be served consecutively to the previous 90 day sentence and will come at the end of any prison sentence, if any, is handed down in the Missouri forgery case. Day-for-day does not apply on the contempt sentences and Evans will not receive credit for time served.
The court has scheduled Evans for a September 9 final pre-trial and September 17 jury trial in the 2014 Marion County case charging him with felony criminal damage to property and felony theft.
Evans has claimed he is a sovereign citizen and is not bound by U.S. laws. He claims he is a descendant of Moorish royalty and that the Tonti Road property was illegally taken from his sovereign group that first discovered North America.