MCLEANSBORO, IL — One of the many issues that have been brought up during this election season thanks to COVID-19 is voting by mail and trying to prevent voter fraud with mail-in ballots.

Many are choosing to cast their vote this way in this election instead of at the polling place due to the virus. And that also seems to be the trend in Hamilton County according to County Clerk Mary Anne Hopfinger. Hopfinger says there has been a high turnout so far for early voting with about six times the normal request for mail-in ballots.

Hopfinger says once the ballot is issued and when it comes back to her office, it is checked to make sure the signature on the affidavit on the ballot certification envelope matches your signature that is on file when you registered to vote.

If you have any questions or would like to have a mail-in ballot sent to you, call the Hamilton County Clerk’s Office at 643-2721.