Prince's 1984 film "Purple Rain" set to return to select Dolby theatres, Kansas' Ronnie Platt shares health news and unpublished writings of the late Layne Staley will be released in November featuring intimate unseen hand drawings, lyrics and more from the former Alice In Chains lead singer.  More rock news on the home page!


News on the "Renegades and Juke Box Heroes" tour with Styx & Foreigner coming to Hollywood Casino Amphitheater in St Louis, tickets under the Concert Calendar, Alice Cooper announcing his satirical 2024 presidential run and Talking Heads releasing a deluxe edition of popular live album!


Artimus Pyle and LoLo take you back to the plane crash on October 20th 1977.


A new survey shows that Pink Floyd inspired tattoos are on the rise, and Aerosmith bassist Tom Hamilton's new band Close Enemies signs a new deal and is bringing their tour to St Louis City Winery January 29th!  More news on the home page!
