Dee DeMoss with the Nashville Illinois Chamber of Commerce was in studio to talk about upcoming events in Nashville. Get all the details here...


Executive Director of the Jefferson County Chamber of Commerce, Jamie Storey, joined Rockin' Ryan Roddy Tuesday morning for a chat about this weekend’s 11th Annual Home & Outdoor Expo in Mt. Vernon at the Times Square Mall. Get a head start on those home improvement projects by coming to the Times Square Mall in Mt. Vernon on Friday, February 23rd (5-8p) and Saturday, the 24th (9a-5p) for incredible, first-hand access to industry experts. Over 50 vendors will be showcasing all things home and outdoor! Visit for more info. See you at the Expo!


Tiffany Delaney and Rebekka Copple were in studio to talk about the Adult Prom coming up Saturday, March 8th at the Mt.Vernon Elks Lodge.


News from Mott The Hoople's Ian Hunter, Bret Michaels and Crowded House!  More rock news at!
