King Crimson — featuring bandleader Robert Fripp, Tony Levin, Jakko Jakszy, Mel Collins, and the drum trio of Pat Mastelotto, Gavin Harris, and Jeremy Stacey – have announced 2021 rescheduled tour dates.  The U.S. tour will kick off July 22 in Florida and make their way through the U.S. before wrapping up in Washington DC on Sept. 11.

Said Fripp about the tour: “The Crimson Beast Of Terror has woken from its enforced slumbering and is venturing out to stomp flat the psyches of innocents not yet experienced in the hammering onslaught of King Crimson’s uncompromising pounding – bish! bish! bish! – before turning on a beat to jellify hearts with gut-wrenching passion and soul-squeezing epic unfoldings to remind us that we are all mere subjects in the unfolding drama of the universe’s unfathomable mysteries while simultaneously rocking out and having a great time bopping about with Tony and Bobby and Gavin and Jakko and Mel and Pat and Jezza too.”

For further details, including ticket information, visit the band’s official website.

Editorial credit: criben /