Whitney Hodge was on the Morning Show to talk about the 13th Annual Cooking for CASA event coming up on January 18th.

Local business men and women, civic leaders, and others will prepare their favorite dishes and compete for their chance to win a Golden Skillet. Chefs will face off in a fun filled evening where guest are able to sample a variety of foods from different categories, so bring your appetite and tip money for your favorite chef so they can take home the People's Choice Golden Skillet! While this is a competition, it is all in good fun and a way to support foster children in Jefferson County.

5:00 - Doors Open
5:30 - Program Begins
6:00 - Serving Begins
7:30 - Silent auction closes, Live auction begins
8:00 - Chef and Auction winners announced

$500/table of 10

Tickets can be purchased at the CASA office at 612 N. 12th St. or online:

Call the CASA office at 618-204-5453 for more information or to purchase tickets.


Prince's 1984 film "Purple Rain" set to return to select Dolby theatres, Kansas' Ronnie Platt shares health news and unpublished writings of the late Layne Staley will be released in November featuring intimate unseen hand drawings, lyrics and more from the former Alice In Chains lead singer.  More rock news on the home page!


Executive Director of the Jefferson County Chamber of Commerce, Jamie Storey, joined Rockin' Ryan Roddy Tuesday morning for a chat about this weekend’s 11th Annual Home & Outdoor Expo in Mt. Vernon at the Times Square Mall. Get a head start on those home improvement projects by coming to the Times Square Mall in Mt. Vernon on Friday, February 23rd (5-8p) and Saturday, the 24th (9a-5p) for incredible, first-hand access to industry experts. Over 50 vendors will be showcasing all things home and outdoor! Visit southernillinois.com for more info. See you at the Expo!


Advisor Sarah Morgan and Tyson of the Woodlawn FFA, the grand prize winner of our FFA Chapter Of The Month, stopped by to chat with LoLo about their recent accomplishments and about the chapter as well!
