We are excited to announce our annual FCA Christmas Trivia Night! Join us at the Kingdom Seed Ministries Building on December 21st from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM.

Enjoy festive Christmas music, delicious Christmas cookies, hot chocolate, exciting prizes, awards, and, of course, Christmas-themed trivia!

All proceeds from this event will support the local ministry of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. Mark your calendars and plan to participate!

Click the link to secure your spot or to sponsor this event: https://fca.regfox.com/2024illinoistrivianight


Rockin' Ryan Roddy sits down with Callie Lueking with Flower Girls in Woodlawn.  Callie was a recent winner of the Women Owned Small Business contest!  Check her out on Facebook and Instagram at Lueking Flower Girls!


News featuring AC/DC and their concert announcement, Rickey Medlocke, Motley Crue and Jon Bon Jovi!


Find out What's Trending on the old world wide web with LoLo on the first day of February!
