Sebastian Bach has announced an upcoming tour and Metallica, Annie Lenox, Garth Brooks among others to perform as Elton John and Bernie Taupin are given the Gershwin Award for Popular Song in the Library Of Congress.


Courtney Kabat and Sarah Sledge with Cedarhurst in Mt.Vernon were in studio on the Morning Show Thursday to talk about the 48th Art & Craft Fair that's this weekend. They also discussed other upcoming events at Cedarhurst. Find out all the details here.


Mr. Wyatt Capps, Mt. Vernon FFA Co- Advisor & Shaylen Rowland, Mt. Vernon FFA Junior Vice President talking about the Mt.Vernon FFA program at MVTHS.


News on the "Renegades and Juke Box Heroes" tour with Styx & Foreigner coming to Hollywood Casino Amphitheater in St Louis, tickets under the Concert Calendar, Alice Cooper announcing his satirical 2024 presidential run and Talking Heads releasing a deluxe edition of popular live album!
