This year, we are also working with current and former FFA members to collect livestock supplies to send to those affected by the recent hurricanes. If you would like to donate, we will be collecting items the same time as the scholarship BBQ. Hope to see you there!


News on Oasis fans upset with Ticketmaster over cancelling tickets after dealing with a number of "invalid tickets" possibly brought on by bots, and one of two upcoming albums honoring Neil Young will be released April 25th with a host of special names set to appear.  More rock news on the home page!


Prince's 1984 film "Purple Rain" set to return to select Dolby theatres, Kansas' Ronnie Platt shares health news and unpublished writings of the late Layne Staley will be released in November featuring intimate unseen hand drawings, lyrics and more from the former Alice In Chains lead singer.  More rock news on the home page!


Natalie Shook with the United Way of South Central Illinois was in studio on the Morning Show to talk about the 3 new programs that the UWSCI is offering. The United We Give, United We Read and the Hunting Program. Also, Trivia Night is coming up Saturday, November 23rd, get all the details here.
