Ryan Roddy
MONDAY to FRIDAY -- 06:00 AM - 10:00 AM

Hello Rock n Roll fans! My name is Ryan Roddy, but Rockin’ Ryan Roddy on the radio. I was born and raised in southern Illinois (Salem), except for the few years I attended school in St.Louis. I am a 1993 graduate of Salem Community High School and a 1997 graduate of Broadcast Center in St. Louis. I have been here at WDML since 1997. I was actually here for a brief time in 1995. I love all classic rock and 90s rock as well.
I am also the play by play guy on WRXX 95.3 FM in Centralia for Centralia Orphans baseball, basketball and football, along with Centralia Annies basketball and softball. Go Blues and Cardinals! And as always, thank you for listening!.